
Monday, June 7, 2010


1. 為什麼有人會在自己的blog 中公開叫人贊助她/ 她的家人/ 小朋友?
2. 為什麼會個個星期六日都努力參加全港的小朋友才藝比賽?
3. 明明一個好人家, 為什麼要將自己大肚的半裸照放在facebook/ blog?
4. 為什麼將自己女兒身穿背心內衣褲的相片放在自己blog及公司的網上?
5. 為什麼要將自己及家人的家相片放在blog上?
6. 為什麼總喜歡告訴一家到了什麼地方旅行?
7. 為什麼告訴人家你買了什麼?
8. 為什麼總喜歡放一張沒素顏大特寫在blog 上?
9. 為什麼你一面講廣告留言有多討厭; 而你一面寫人家產品的廣告?
10. 為什麼現在的blog 這麼難看?


Saturday, May 8, 2010


星期六是湊仔湊女的一天. 上午ryan 興趣班; 下午跟學校參觀藝術展. 當然馬騮仔是對藝術沒有興趣. 又累又餓唯有早早退.

一家四口在的士上. 星期六的下午無可避免地塞車. 司機叔叔主動跟我們講 "你地有兩個小朋友. 好辛苦?" 我跟先生一同回應 "依家都慣左啦. 第時大個o的要教時, 仲辛苦!"

司機叔叔反而講 "中三之學要洗好多錢....供得好辛苦" 我登時想 "我真幸福. 錢對於我們一家不是什麼大問題. 我們一家好簡單. 食簡單. 住簡單. 小朋友又沒有什麼名牌. 只要一家平平安安可以了.

Monday, January 18, 2010


I hate my job.
I hate my rotation.

I need my salary.
What should I do?
Everything around me is out-of-control recently.

Stupid people around me. Dump Persons with dump procedure.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Ryan & Renee

Having two kids is definitely new experience to me. I always think of having one kid is the best. Best utilize of our time & money; we can offer the best to Ryan. No need to push him too much as we plan to send him studying overseas; blah blah blah…

After 4 months (Renee is four months now), I understand Money can’t buy us everything. Little girl brings lots of fun and warmth to us. Parenting is everlasting challenge. Every kid is individual adorable small creature. Sibling is different from each other. Ryan was very stubble and sensitive baby. He loved schedule, rule and pattern. He resists changes and hates to move forward if he is uncertain about it. It takes times for him to accept new idea which is terrible for small kid like him.

I have to admit that I was too nervous to be parent when Ryan was born. It is impossible for me to enjoy being parent. I tried to escape from parenting duties as much as I can and always kept him away from my distance because Ryan hates to be held by other. As mentioned before, he strictly followed schedule and pattern, he cried when I hold him because he ONLY wants to be held by my mom who taken care of him during daytime. When I look back, I seldom take care of him after work. Cycle and cycle.

However, I learn to be mom when having Renee. Unlike her big brother, she is more flexible and clever. She wants to be hug or hold by other, whoever holding is fine. I can spend more comfortable time with her. In addition, I choose to relax from my work. Working for me equals to bread every month now. If you died today, your company can find replacement shortly; your families will miss you forever. As clever as you should know my choice.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


This is an abandon blog. Why?


This is the most wonderful thing happened for me in 2009

My little girl – Renee

After completing my life goal (2 is enough!)

Glad to announce this blog is reopened from today!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


摸不著明珠台節目安排, 奧運後竟然有x-files 第一季的重播.
見到Mulder and Scully. 簡直有像要好友重聚的一刻感動
回想當年在與爸媽弟弟競爭電視的控制權的慘況 !

其實早於幾個月前收費電視台 (AXN Beyond) 都已有安排晚晚播 (早幾集我竟見到foppy disk 和一面純情的Lucy Liu!!!)

X 年後重看, 劇情都是離不開UFO, FBI, 外星人.........

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Trouble 2?

TROUBLE TWO 的Ryan 不是一般人可以頂得住
一. 天生不是模特兒的他. 極度討厭相機
如細少不想入鏡. 你所有的照片只會有他的背面側面下巴手臂
一個字.....型 (扮個種!)
二. 現在如有正面相. 是大家經過十八次高峰會議大大小小人仔協商而成
一個字...... 煩
三. 九個月曉行. 行左年幾之後發覺行再不是好玩
要抱....... 抱著兩包八公斤的米四處走......
四. 經過一個夏天的無數講數會議. 他仍堅信水是一定必須在家中浴室玩的. 當然過程要媽媽陪伴. 沙灘泳池生人勿近
一個字......焗 (個浴室!)
五. 天天決定要到什麼地方玩. 愛民村吉之島公園冒險樂園...